Morse Code Tapping | Learn and Send Morse Code by Tapping

Encoding alphabets and letters in the form of dots and dashes is called morse code which is translated into English text by Morse code translator. This form of communication has been used since 19th century. Morse code messages can be transmitted through signals such as light, eye blinking, and tapping.

Tapping morse code message is a unique way of encoding the message. You can use anything to tap on a hard surface to encode a message. An example, can be tapping a pen. Tapping pen makes sound which can be translated into dots and dashes. The short tap is dot also called dit whereas long tap is a dash which is also called dah. In this way long messages, such as, hello and help can be tapped with a pen.

morse code tapping

How to do Morse Code Tapping?

There are many ways to tap a morse code message. For example, you can use fingers to tap on a hard surface and make a distinct sound. It is helpful in a situation where there are no tools available. You can use foot tapping to tap a message. It is useful in noisy environment where finger tapping can not be heard.

Tapping on a metal is another way of morse code tapping. You can use any metal object such as pipe or other machinery piece and tap on a hard surface. It is helpful in industry to send a message of “help” in case of emergency. Finally, nowadays due to technological advances you can use your smart phone to tap. There are various apps which produces a sound of tapping. These apps are useful for practice and learning.

Video Tutorial

How to tap Morse Code with a pen?

Choose a hard surface to tap a pen in order to create a sound. Short tap sound means dot and a long tap means a dash. A step by step guide to tap a morse code is given.

  • Choose a pen and a surface that makes a sound by tapping.
  • Get yourself familiar with the alphabets and their corresponding dots and dashes sequence. Use a short tap for a dot and longer for a dash.
  • Start practicing with the simple letter such as E which requires a single short tap and T which requires a single long tap. 
  • Maintain a proper timing between the taps to distinguish between the letters. Give a short pause within a letter and a longer pause within words.

How to say “Hello” in morse code tapping?

  • H: 4 quick taps
  • E: one quick tap
  • L: one quick, one long and then three quick taps
  • L: one quick, one long and then three quick taps
  • O: three long taps
Hello in morse code audio

Morse code tap three letters

It might not be easy learning three letters tap in the beginning, but a lot of practice can make it possible. Choose any three alphabets word and decode the morse code by tapping.

For example, if you want to Morse tap of “CAT” use the following sequence. 

  • C: one long tap, one quick tap, long tap and then quick tap
  • A: quick tap and a long tap
  • T: one long tap

Best tips to learn Morse code tapping effectively 

  • Practice and stay consistent with learning the tapping technique.
  • Begin slowly and start with the easy letters such as E (one short tap) and T (one long tap).
  • You can use mnemonic device which can help you with remembering the sequence.
  • Test yourself and practice. Write down some words and try to tap the morse code.


Morse Code tapping is way of communicating through making a sound with a pen or any other thing on a hard surface. The sound made encodes a message and the timing between sounds matter to distinguish between dot and dash. You can use anything to tap a morse code message such as hard metal, finger tapping, foot tapping and other. Pen can also be used to tap and encode certain messages. You can use it to send a signal of Hello or even longer messages. Learning to tap a pen for morse code requires practice and consistency.

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